Why Join Acadian’s Membership Program?

Parents teaching daughter to save money at home

Save Money

Savings on 1000’s of products you use every day

  • Save 30% on billed ambulance charges. When a member uses the ambulance, a 30% discount is given to total billed charges whether the third party is billed or not.

    Coverage extends to a spouse and children up to 26 years of age.

  • Acadian Total Security home security system to include a wireless panel, 3 sensors, 1 motion detector, and 1 smoke alarm and CO detector. No upfront equipment or installation costs and up to 5 months of free monitoring.*

  • Save 10% on monthly monitoring rates of Acadian On Call medical alert systems.

* With new alarm account activation with Acadian Total Security. Free monitoring for 3 months with a three-year agreement or free monitoring for 5 months with a five-year agreement.

Save $$ of entertainment, travel, groceries, household items and more as part of the Acadian Discount Program. For more information, visit Acadian Discounts.

Acadian supporting community events

Support your community

The Acadian Membership Program supports the community service projects of Acadian Ambulance, such as our free standby service for area high school football games, fairs and festivals.

This program also helps Acadian stay at the forefront of emergency medical care with the most advanced equipment and training in the industry.

Portrait of a grandfather and grandson

Receive Quality Patient Care

Acadian Ambulance provides compassionate and skilled medical care. Our mission is to improve the lives of our patients, customers and employees through our innovative spirit and diverse company divisions.

  • Earned the gold standard and nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services
  • Strategically located ambulance stations throughout our service area
  • Communication Center is a model for the nation using GPS tracking of ambulances
  • Every medic rigorously trained in the latest procedures
  • Every ambulance carries the most advanced life-saving technology
man making a phone call

Access specialized customer service

Receive access to an exclusive “Member VIP” toll-free phone line for specialized customer service and billing assistance.

Member Service Center Available 24/7