What are the benefits of a membership?
Save 30% – Receive discounts on billed ambulance charges. VIP Phone Line – Enjoy exclusive access to specialized customer service and billing assistance. Savings Network – Save on ...
Do I have to buy a membership if I have Medicaid?
Texas and Mississippi Medicaid recipients are not eligible to purchase a Membership. Louisiana Medicaid recipients are eligible to purchase a Membership.
What is the membership phone number?
Toll-free: 1.800.256.5646 Local: 337.521.3401
Where do I send my application?
Membership Department PO Box 919285 Dallas, TX 75391-9285
Can I pay with a credit card?
Yes, you can pay with a card through the following options: Over the phone with a $2.00 handling fee Online at www.acadian.com/membershippayment at no additional cost
Will the cost be prorated depending on when I sign up for membership?
No, memberships are not prorated. The amount paid would not change and the coverage period would end on 08/31/2025.
Can I purchase a membership after the campaign has ended?
Yes, memberships can be purchased post membership campaign. However, we do not prorate and the effective date is the date of received payment through 08/31/2025.
Who can be covered under a family membership?
Applicant, spouse and eligible dependents Common law couples or Domestic partners (together for at least 1 year) and eligible dependents Eligible dependents are children up ...
How do I sign in?
Click here.
When is the deadline to join?
Our membership enrollment drive ends on Friday, September 6, 2024.